ISEO MEDALThe first promoters of the ISEO Medal were Giovanni Dugo and Luigi Mondello, Chairmen of the 35th ISEO organized in Giardini Naxos, Italy, in 2004.
The idea of the ISEO medal came up again in 2017, when the Permanent ISEO Scientific Committee has decided to create an honorary medal to be attributed every year to a scientist that during his scientific carrier has contributed significantly and innovatively to promote the development of the scientific knowledge in the essential oil field. The scientific topics to be considered for the award must illustrate one or more aspects of the multitask discipline including botany and cultivation, chemistry, biological activity, and applications in food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical and other fields

The ISEO Medal was officially instituted in 2019, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of ISEO, held in Wien, Austria. With the help of the members of the ISEO permanent Scientific Committee and an artist from Messina, as well as the Merck company, official sponsor of the medal, the ISEO Medal of Honour was created.

Previous ISEO Medal of Honour Recipients

2019: Prof. Ian Karlsen, University of Oslo, Norway (50th ISEO, Wien, Austria)
2021: Prof. Karl Heinz Kubeczka, University of Wurzburg, Germany (51st ISEO, Turkey, on-line)
2022: Prof. Carlo Bicchi, University of Turin, Italy (52nd ISEO, Wroclaw, Poland)
2023: Prof. Dr. Kemal Hüsnü Can Başer (53rd ISEO, Milazzo, Messina, Italy)
2023: Prof. Giovanni Dugo (53rd ISEO, Milazzo, Messina, Italy)

SPONSOR of the ISEO Medal of Honour
