54th International Symposium
on Essential Oils

8-11 September 2024, Hunguest BAL Resort,
Balatonalmádi, Hungary

About The Event

About the Event

It is our great pleasure to announce the 54th International Symposium on Essential Oils (ISEO 2024), which will be held in one of the most peaceful Hungarian cities, Balatonalmádi, on 8-11 September, 2024. Balatonalmádi is a rapidly developing, busy resort town in the county of Veszprém, near the northeastern bay of Lake Balaton. It is one of the most popular tourist destinations at the Lake Balaton. The city's population has started to grow rapidly in recent years. By 2021, the city's population has already exceeded 10,000. In the summer, it offers many exciting programs for its visitors. The church of Szent Imre in the center of the city was built in 1930 based on the plans of István Medgyasszay. The special value of the church is that it follows the traditions of Transylvanian architecture, but the red stone architecture is also dominant. The place of the ISEO 2024 will be the Hungest Hotel Bál Resort. The interior design of the hotel, fully renovated in 2022, was inspired by the diversity of Lake Balaton. The goal was to make guests feel close to the tranquil harmony of the lake and the waterfront. The rooms offer a picturesque panoramic view, so quests can easily immerse themself in the relaxing scenery of the thousand-faced Lake Balaton in all seasons.

ISEO symposia have been organized annually in Europe since 1969 (with an exception in pandemic year of 2020). Each year, this Symposium provides an excellent possibility for academic and industrial scientists, partners for a discussion of the latest and novel research findings focusing on essential oils, volatiles and related natural products. Several representatives of the essential oil industry are also invited to join this scientific congress. The ISEO attracts the attention of participants not only from European countries but also from the broader scientific world focusing on essential oils, e.g. South Africa, Turkey, United States, Brazil, Chile, Japan, Israel, Egypt, among others.

We offer you highly scientific topics, stimulating presentations and deep discussions combining with colorful touristic activities around Lake Balaton.

We cordially invite participants to present the results of their research activity via oral communications or posters. Invited plenary lectures will open every session of the final program. Scholarships will be provided to support the participation of young researchers interested in attending the conference.

Looking forward to meet you in BALATONALMÁDI,

Györgyi Horváth,
Chair of the ISEO2024 Local Organizing Committee


Hunguest BAL Resort,
Balatonalmádi, Hungary


Sunday to Wednesday
8-11 September 2024

Event Venue

Event venue location info and gallery

Hunguest BÁL Resort - Balatonalmádi, Hungary

The interior design of the hotel, fully renovated in 2022, was inspired by the diversity of Lake Balaton. The goal was to make our guests feel close to the tranquil harmony of the lake and the waterfront. Our rooms offer a picturesque panoramic view, so you can easily immerse yourself in the relaxing scenery of the thousand-faced Lake Balaton in all seasons.

ISEO 2024 Local Organizing Committee

Györgyi Horváth

Györgyi Horváth


Éva Németh-Zámboriné

Éva Németh-Zámboriné


Viktória Lilla Balázs

Viktória Lilla Balázs

Committee Member

Eszter Csikós

Eszter Csikós

Committee Member

Edit Ormai

Edit Ormai

PhD Student

Bence Bordás

Bence Bordás

PhD Student

Permanent Scientific Committee

Yoshinori Asakawa
Tokushima Bunri University, Japan
Nicolas Baldovini
University Côte d’Azur, France
Hüsnü Can Baser
Near East University, Cyprus
Carlo Bicchi
University of Turin, Italy
Humberto Bizzo
Embrapa Food Technology, Brazil
Jonathan Bonello
Fatih Demirci
Anadolu University, Turkey
Jan Demyttenaere
European Flavour & Fragrance, Belgium
Paola Dugo
University of Messina, Italy
Adam F. Feyaerts
KU Leuven, Belgium
Ana Cristina Figueiredo
University of Lisbon, Portugal
Toshio Hasegawa
Saitama University, Japan
Györgyi Horváth
University of Pécs, Hungary
Michael Keusgen
The Philipps University of Marburg, Germany
Eisuke Kuraya
National Institute of Technology, Okinawa College: Nago, Japan
Stanisław Lochyński
Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Poland | Institute of Cosmetology, Wrocław College of Physiotherapy
Agnieszka Ludwiczuk
Medical University of Lublin, Poland
Luigi Mondello
University of Messina, Italy
Johannes Novak
University of Veterinary Medicine, Austria
Niko Radulović
University of Niš, Serbia
Patrizia Rubiolo
Universtity of Turin, Italy
Iris Stappen
The University of Vienna, Austria
Daniel Strub
Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Poland
Sandy Van Vuuren
University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
Alvaro Viljoen
Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa
Éva Zámboriné-Németh
Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Hungary


Invited Speakers

Prof. Kemal Hüsnü Can Başer, Near East University Faculty of Pharmacy Department of Pharmacognosy, Lefkosa (Nicosia), Northern Cyprus
Global Trade of Essential Oils
Dr. Judit Krisch
Dr. Judit Krisch, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary
Antimicrobial activity of essential oils and essential oil components on food-borne pathogens – recent applications and future perspectives
Prof. Luigi Mondello, Università degli Studi di Messina, Messina, Italy
Advanced Sustainable Analytical methods for the Analysis of Essential Oils
Dr. Iris Stappen
Dr. Iris Stappen, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Healthy smells and beyond: Aromatherapy today
Dr. Aleksandar Széchenyi, University of Pécs, Pécs, Hungary
Formulation of essential oils: Rational design and nanotechnology.
Prof. Éva Zámboriné Németh, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
Pampering or stress?- Optimisation of volatile formation in plants

Final programme

The final programme available in pdf format

Final programme

Sunday, 8th September 2024


Opening Ceremony Györgyi Horváth, Éva Zámboriné Németh – Symposium Chairs

+ Short musical performance

Traditions of essential oil production in HungaryZsuzsanna Pluhár

MATE University, Budapest

ISEO Medal of Honor Presentations
Yoshinori Asakawa: Biologically Active Volatile Components from Liverworts and Their Application to Cosmetics Foods and Medicines
Chlodwig Franz: Application of essential oils in animal health from the 'One Health' perspective


Opening lecture – Plenary lecture (PL-1)
Global Trade of Essential Oils
Kemal Hüsnü Can Baser

Near East University in Nicosia, N. Cyprus

Keynote lecture
The value of having a multidisciplinary approach to essential oil research – reflecting on two decades of studying the medicinal-aromatic flora of South AfricaAlvaro Viljoen

Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa

Welcome dinner

Restaurant of Hunguest Hotel BÁL Resort

Monday, 9th September 2024

Registration desk is open

Session 1 Chairs: Agnieska Ludwiczuk, Nicolas Baldovini

Oral lectures


Plenary lecture (PL-2)
Advanced sustainable analytical methods for the analysis of essential oils
Luigi Mondello

Università degli Studi di Messina, Messina, Italy

(OL-01) Use and abuse of retention indices in essential oils analysis
Humberto Bizzo, Nathália S. Brilhante, Yada Nolvachai, Philip J. Marriott

Embrapa Agroindústria de Alimentos, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

(OL-02) Predicted response factors as an efficient and validated analytical method to screen for volatiles in Cannabis sativa inflorescences
Alexis St-Gelais, Hubert Marceau, Rachel H. Fontaine, Sylvain Mercier, Dany Massé/span>

Laboratoire PhytoChemia, Saguenay, Canada

(OL-03) Preparative gas chromatography for the isolation of volatile terpenes for diabetes treatment
Danilo Sciarrone, Lorenzo Cucinotta, Francesca Cannizzaro, Luca Santi, Elisa Pannucci, Luigi Mondello

Messina Institute of Technology c/o Department of Chemical, Biological, Pharmaceutical and Environmental Sciences, Messina, Italy


Coffee break

Session 1 (cont.) Chairs: Éva Zámboriné Németh, Kemal Hüsnü Can Baser

Oral lectures

(OL-04) Verification of Agarwood essential oil authenticity with handheld near infrared spectrometer
Mohammed Z.H. Chowdhury

Oudh Analytics, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

(OL-05) Investigating adulteration in commercial true lavender oils
Katarzyna Pokajewicz, Darya Lamaka, Piotr P. Wieczorek

Institute of Chemistry, University of Opole, Poland

(OL-06) Application of Artificial Intelligence in predicting essential oil composition and correlating with biological activity using NMR and IR data
Rino Ragno, Alessio Ragno, Roberto Capobianco, Eleonora Truzzi, Davide Bertelli, Sara de Siena and Stefania Benvenuti

Rome Center for Molecular Design, Department of Drug Chemistry and Technology, Sapienza University, Rome, Italy

(OL-07) Unfolding seasonal and diurnal variations of leaf aroma volatiles in Indian bay leaf – a potential source of valuable essential oil
Adinpunya Mitra, Sulagna Saha

Natural Product Biotechnology Group, Agricultural and Food Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India


Group photo

Lunch Restaurant of the Hunguest Hotel BÁL Resort

Session 2 Chairs: Fatih Demirci, Johannes Novak


Plenary lecture (PL-3)
Healthy smells and beyond: Aromatherapy today
Iris Stappen

University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria

(OL-08) Effects of Alpinia zerumbet essential oils on human olfactory receptors and depressive symptoms of postmenopausal women
Je Tae Woo, Aki Yamano, Keisuke Ito, Saori Nishizima, Kimio Sugaya, Eisuke Kuraya, Takayuki Yonezawa, Hsueh-Kung Lin and Mark Bartlett

Research Institute for Biological Function, Chubu University, Nagoya, Japan

(OL-09) Aromatogram testing: Standardization of the clinical broth microdilution test to support the development of appropriate integrated antimicrobial therapies and address antibiotic resistance
Maura Di Vito, Mattia Di Mercurio, Melinda Mariotti, Abdesselam Zhiri, Maurizio Sanguinetti, Francesca Bugli

Dipartimento di Scienze Biotecnologiche di Base, Cliniche Intensivologiche e Perioperatorie, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy

(OL-10) Synergistic solutions: Essential oil compounds with conventional antimicrobials for skin infections
Sandy van Vuuren, Shivar Simbu, Ane Orchard, Maryna van de Venter

Department of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Parktown, South Africa


Coffee break

Session 2 (cont.) Chairs: Sandy Van Vuuren, Humberto Bizzo

Young scientists’ oral lectures

(YOL-01) The combination of gas chromatography-based analysis and spectroscopy techniques for a thorough characterization of the essential oil of Piper gaudichaudianum Kunth from Brazil
Paola Donato, Lorenzo Cucinotta, Humberto Ribeiro Bizzo, Cicero Deschamps, Laura A. Duarte, Roger R. Cipriano, Wanderlei do Amaral, Wilson Loureiro, Danilo Sciarrone, Luigi Mondello

Messina Institute of Technology c/o Department of Chemical, Biological, Pharmaceutical and Environmental Sciences, Messina, Italy

(YOL-02) Chritmum maritimum L., an edible plant. Chemical composition, PCA analysis and food safety
Antonella Porrello, Alessandro Vaglica, Dario Savoca, Maurizio Bruno, and Francesco Sottile

Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Biologiche, Chimiche e Farmaceutiche (STEBICEF), Università degli Studi di Palermo, Palermo, Italy

(YOL-04) Exploring the anxiolytic potential of Cupressus torulosa essential oil: an in vivo approach
Piyush Bhalla, HR Chitme, VK Varshney

Chemistry and Bioprospecting Division, ICFRE-Forest Research Institute, Dehradun, India

(YOL-05) Interplay of drought and salt stress on the yield and composition of essential oil in Thymus pannonicus
Etri Karim, Gosztola Beáta, Pluhár Zsuzsanna

Department of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Institute of Horticultural Science, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Budapest, Hungary

(YOL-06) Exploring the selective inhibitory activity of essential oils on the Alzheimer associated enzymes AChE and BChE: a comprehensive screening based on a bio-guided fractionation approach. Focus on Mentha sp. essential oils
Marta Pavarino, Cecilia Cagliero, Arianna Marengo, Carlo Bicchi, Sveva Dallere, Marina Boido, Alessandro Vercelli, Patrizia Rubiolo, Barbara Sgorbini

Department of Drug Science and Technology, University of Turin, Turin, Italy


Poster presentations

Hunguest Hotel BÁL Resort, Tramontana II. room

Permanent Scientific Committee meeting

Hunguest Hotel BÁL Resort, Nevera room

Tuesday, 10th September 2024

Registration desk is open

Session 3 - EFEO IFEAT Scientific Platform on Proving Essential Oils‘ Unique Nature 1st partChairs: Daniel Strub, Jonathan Bonello

General introduction to the EFEO IFEAT Scientific Platform
Jocelyn Kurtz

EFEO IFEAT Scientific Platform Coordinator
Mane SA., Regulatory Affairs and Product Safety, Vouvry, Switzerland

Multidimensional complexity of natural complex substances: the case of essential oils
Sylvain Antoniotti

Research Director at CNRS and Director of the Institute for Innovation and Partnerships Flavour Fragrance Cosmetics at Université Côte d’Azur
Université Côte d’Azur, CNRS

Evaluation of the Endocrine Disruptor Risk on Essential Oils: Is Constituent Analysis Sufficient?
Mathilde Hagege

Léa Nature, Périgny, France

Coffee break

Session 3 (cont.) - EFEO IFEAT Scientific Platform on Proving Essential Oils‘ Unique Nature 2nd partChairs: Daniel Strub, Jonathan Bonello

Essential Oils & Skin Sensitization Quenching effect: myth or reality?
Marc Vocanson

Centre International de Recherche en Infectiologie, INSERM, Lyon, France

Genotoxicity, More than One Constituent Substances (MOCS), and Essential Oils
Peter Jenkinson

Consultancy for Environmental & Human Toxicology and Risk Assessment, CEHTRA SAS

Metabolism matters – understanding positive test results and relevance of reproduction studies on isolated essential oil constituents
Andreas Natsch


An experimental definition and an in silico methodology to predict biodegradation of mixtures
Paul Thomas

KREATiS. L’Isle d’Abeau, France

Environmental Assessment of Natural Complex Substances’ constituents
Sylvia Gimeno

DSM-Firmenich AG, Kaiseraugst, Switzerland

Lunch Restaurant of the Hunguest Hotel BÁL Resort

Session 4 Chairs: Chlodwig Franz, Patrizia Rubiolo

Éva Németh-Zámboryné

Plenary lecture (PL-4)
Pampering or stress? - Optimisation of volatile formation in plants
Éva Zámboriné Németh

Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Budapest, Hungary

(OL-11) Influence of water supply on essential oil of annual caraway (Carum carvi var. annuum L.)
Noémi Júlia Valkovszki, Tímea Szalóki, Árpád Székely, Ágnes Kun, Ildikó Kolozsvári, Szilvia Tavaszi-Sárosi, Mihály Jancsó

Research Centre for Irrigation and Water Management, Institute of Environmental Sciences, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Szarvas, Hungary

(OL-12) Does the availability of water affect the biomass and secondary compound production in Ocimum basilicum L. ‘Genovese’?
Péter Radácsi, Sintayehu Musie Mulugeta

Department of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Institute of Horticultural Sciences, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Budapest, Hungary

(OL-13) Repellent and attractant activity of ten plant essential oils and their compounds against the pea aphid
Virginie Lacotte, Marjolaine Rey, Sergio Peignier, Pierre-Edouard Mercier, Sébastien Livi, Pedro da Silva

INSA Lyon, INRAE, BF2I, UMR203, Villeurbanne, France

(OL-14) How sublethal concentrations of Origanum vulgare L. essential oil affect the growth potential of the pathogen Listeria monocytogenes in food environments
Annalisa Serio, Chiara Rossi, Francesco Buccioni, Francesca Maggio, Chiara Purgatorio, Antonello Paparella

Department of Bioscience and Technology of Food, Agriculture and Environment, University of Teramo, Teramo, Italy

(OL-15) Insights into the chemo-profiling of rhizome essential from Northeast Indian Zingiber officinale germplasm
Mohan Lal, Twahira Begum, Saikat Halder

Agrotechnology & Rural Development Division, CSIR-North East Institute of Science & Technology, Jorhat, India

(YOL-07) Exploring synergistic and antagonistic interactions: investigating antimicrobial and biofilm inhibitory activity in the oral cavity
Zuzanna Bacińska, Lucyna Balcerzak, Daniel J. Strub

Department of Chemical Biology and Bioimaging, Faculty of Chemistry, Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Wrocław, Poland

(YOL-08) Innovative approach for improvement of essential oil yield and quality in patchouli (Pogostemon cablin (Blanco) Benth.) through coloured shade net cultivation
Lopamudra Ballabh, Amardeep Yadav, Adinpunya Mitra

Agricultural and Food Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur, India


Poster presentations

Hunguest Hotel BÁL Resort, Tramontana II. room

Symposium dinner

Hunguest Hotel BÁL Resort, Tramontana I. room

Wednesday, 11th September 2024

Session 5 Chairs: Alvaro Viljoen, Iris Stappen

Judit Krisch

Plenary lecture (PL-5)
Antimicrobial activity of essential oils and essential oil components on food-borne pathogens – recent applications and future perspectives
Judit Krisch

University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary

Judit Krisch

Plenary lecture (PL-6)
Formulation of essential oils: Rational design and nanotechnology
Aleksandar Széchenyi

University of Pécs, Pécs, Hungary

Coffee break

Session 5 (cont.)Chairs: Alvaro Viljoen, Iris Stappen

Young scientists’ oral lectures

(YOL-09) Essential oils combined with tetracycline restore antibiotic effectiveness against resistant strains of Salmonella enterica
Francesca Maggio, Chiara Rossi, Carlotta Lauteri, Alberto Vergara, Antonello Paparella, Annalisa Serio

Department of Bioscience and Technology for Food, Agriculture and Environment, University of Teramo, Teramo, Italy

(YOL-10) Lily of the valley odorants: synthesis and potential applications – preliminary result
Kinga Baberowska, Alicja K. Surowiak, Milena Z. Živković Stošić, Niko S. Radulović, Daniel J. Strub

Department of Chemical Biology and Bioimaging, Faculty of Chemistry, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Wroclaw, Poland

(YOL-11) Extraction and fractionation of Azorean Cryptomeria japonica female cones essential oil via hydro distillation: antifungal effects against Thielaviopsis paradoxa
Filipe Arruda, Ana Lima, Alexandre Janeiro, José Baptista, José S. Rosa, Alexandra Machado, A. Cristina Figueiredo, Elisabete Lima

Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Research and Technology, Azores University, Angra do Heroísmo, Portugal

(YOL-12) Quantitative activity-composition relationships through machine learning algorithm. Application to essential oil tested as acetylcholinesterase inhibitors
Roberta Astolfi, Eleonora Proia, Valentina Noemi Madia, Davide Ialongo, Luigi Scipione, Rino Ragno

Rome Center for Molecular Design, Department of Drug Chemistry and Technology, Sapienza University, Rome, Italy

(YOL-13) Cinnamomum tamala leaf essential oil attenuates lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation in RAW 264.7 macrophage cells via regulation of the NF-κB signaling pathway
Sudipta Jena, Asit Ray, Ambika Sahoo, Omprakash Mohanta, Prabhat Kumar Das, Sanghamitra Nayak, Pratap Chandra Panda

Centre for Biotechnology, Siksha O Anusandhan (Deemed to be University), Kalinga Nagar, Bhubaneswar, India

(YOL-14) Exploring natural alternatives for preserving cosmetics: essential oils as antimicrobial agents
Alicja K. Surowiak, Aleksandra Kołodziej, Lucyna Balcerzak, Kinga Baberowska, Zuzanna Bacińska, Daniel J. Strub

Department of Chemical Biology and Bioimaging, Faculty of Chemistry, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Wroclaw, Poland

(YOL-15) Chemical diversity of essential oils from Hyptis suaveolens: Implications for management strategies of a global invasive weed
Sneha Rajput, Sanjay Gupta, V. K. Varshney

ICFRE-Forest Research Institute, Chemistry and Bioprospecting Division, Dehradun, India


Closing remarks
Györgyi Horváth, Éva Zámboriné Németh – Symposium Chairs

Best Oral and Best Poster presentation sponsored by Taylor and Francis and CRC Press
Welcome to ISEO 2025

Lunch Restaurant of the Hunguest Hotel BÁL Resort

Post-conference guided tour to Balatonfüred – Tihany

List of Posters

Chemical composition, in vitro antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of essential oils of sawdust and resin-rich bark from Azorean Cryptomeria japonica (Cupressaceae)Filipe Arruda

AI4EssOil: Revolutionizing essential oil insights through Artificial IntelligenceRoberta Astolfi

Fractionation of specific terpene families prior to biological assays exploiting preparative gas chromatographyFrancesca Cannizzaro

Annual yield variation of labdanum resin obtained from Cistus ladanifer L. plants of different ageVeronika Chaloupková

Extraction and bio-conversion of Limonene from waste sweet lime (Citrus limetta) peels by baker’s yeastOlivia Dhara

In vitro and in vivo Antihyperglycemic effect of Curcuma amada rhizome essential oil in STZ induced diabetic ratsAvinash Gangal

In vitro antimicrobial evaluation of Salvia sclarea and Origanum vulgare essential oils in combination against Sinusitis pathogensAyşe Esra Karadağ

Chemical composition of essential oils from different parts of Heracleum crenatifolium Boiss. in TürkiyeDamla Kirci

Exploring the potential biological activities and chiral composition of Lippia origanoides Kunth essential oil: inhibition of enzymes linked to Alzheimer’s disease and type 2 diabetesMarta Pavarino

Effect of wintergreen essential oil and black seed fatty oil in contact dermatitis in vivo modelSarah Shubail

Nanoencapsulated Coriandrum sativum essential oil as shelf-life enhancer of bananasMonisha Soni

Bifora testiculata (L.) Spreng. essential oil and its principal constituent as anticancer agentAlessandro Vaglica

Valorization of ginger leaf and peel waste into essential oils as natural grain protectants against major stored product insectsNaduvilthara U. Visakh

Phytochemical profiling and bioactivity assessment of volatile components of Nectaroscordum tripedale Trautv. from Iran: Antioxidant, antimicrobial, and cytotoxic investigationsMahdi Yaghoobi

Aroma profile of fresh R.alba L. blossom by solid-phase microextraction and head space gas chromatographyDaniela Antonova

Volatile organic compounds in traditional Bulgarian red wines - development of fast and easy analytical method using solid-phase microextraction and head space gas chromatographyDaniela Antonova

Quality of the essential oil from two hop varieties introduced in Rio de Janeiro, BrazilHumberto Bizzo

Combination of thyme, tea tree essential oils and antibiotics against MRSA and Pseudomonas aeruginosaBence Bordás

Studies on the composition of floral scent and essential oils of soapwort (Saponaria officinalis), growing in the wild in Lithuania, and the antioxidant activity of these oils and alcoholic extractsJurga Būdienė

Chemical composition and biological activity of Juniperus sabina, Juniperus foetidissima, and Juniperus phoenicea essential oilsDanka Bukvički

In vitro wound healing evaluation of Mentha spicata, Matricaria chamomilla essential oils with Cocos nucifera oil nanoemulgel formulationsFatih Demirci

Chemical and biological evaluation of three Cineol rich herbal drug and infusion volatilesBetül Demirci

Wound care formulation using Chitosan and Hamamelis preparationsFatih Demirci

Essential oil profile of pellets from hop cultivars produced in South BrazilCicero Deschamps

Effects of solvent free-microwave green extraction of essential oil from orange peel (Citrus sinensis L.) on shelf life of flavoured liquid whole eggs during storage under commercial retail conditionsDjamel Djenane

Mentha citrata essential oil phytochemical constituents and antiproliferative activityHurija Džudžević-Čančar

Essential oils of garden-growing lavender species: In vitro antimicrobial activityHurija Džudžević-Čančar

New advances from the Corsican Liverwort Porella arboris-vitaeManal El Ali

Comprehensive assessment of hydrolates produced from different medicinal plantsMaria Filatova

Effects of different preservation methods on the active substances and colour properties of Lemonbalm (Melissa officinalis L.) leavesBeáta Gosztola

Evaluation of Thymus serpyllum L. and Pinus nigra Aiton. essential oil combinations against human pathogensAyşe Esra Karadağ

Terpenoids diversity of Cannabis essential oilIskra Davkova

Antibacterial and antibiofilm effect of fennel essential oil, fennel honey and their combinationRegina Koloh

Diversity of aroma characteristics of Alpinia zerumbet and differences from its closely related speciesEisuke Kuraya

Biological activities, GC/MS analysis and computational approaches of rhizome Homalomena aromatica (Spreng.) Schott essential oil - an indigenous plant to Northeast IndiaMohan Lal

Essential oil from basil genotypes: fertilizers, seasons and growing conditionsJosé Magno Queiroz Luz

Characterization of yield, chemical profile and antioxidant capacity of Salvia rosmarinus Spenn. essential oilVeronika Chaloupková

Vapour phase anticandidal activity from Pimenta pseudocaryophyllus (Gomes) Landrum essential oilPaulo Moreno

Investigation of the anti-biofilm and anti-QS effect of selected essential oils tested on nosocomial bacteriaViktória Lilla Balazs

Comparison of the free volatile compounds composition isolated from wild and cultivated species of the Genus Veronica from moderate habitatsMarija Nazlić

The essential oil of Alpine Rhododendron honeyJohannes Novak

Directed evolutionary engineering of the non-mevalonate pathway for efficient terpenoid production as aroma ingredientsYumi Onozato

Inhibitory effects of lavender (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.) essential oil and main component (linalool) against biofilm-forming bacteria causing respiratory diseasesEdit Ormai

Lavandula species and varieties: resources of essential oils and distillation by-products of different qualityZsuzsanna Pluhár

Essential oil intervention: The antimicrobial and anti-biofilm properties of clove oil and Eugenol against vibrio cholerae O1Lii Poojara

Comparative GC-MS study of essential oil constituents: Headspace vs condensed phase methods with steam-distilled extractsFilippo Sapienza

Quality assessment and authentication of lavender essential oilBrett Smith

Evaluation of different spearmint populationsSzilvia Tavaszi-Sárosi

Aroma characterization of commercial Alpinia zerumbet essential oils by fingerprinting analysisAkiko Touyama

How effective are essentiael oils in inhibiting polymicrobial environments?Sandy van Vuuren

Effect of Alpinia zerumbet essential oils on behavioral characteristics in ovariectomized miceYamano Aki

Identification of 4,8-dimethyldeca-4,7,9-trienal compounds in the headspace aroma of blooming gardenia flowerHiroki Yamagiwa

Study of the essential oil and conservation of the Andean aromatic species Aloysia fiebrigii (Hayek) Moldenke, from the Cusco region, PeruAlberto Martín Abozaglo Jara


Sunday, 8 September Monday, 9 September Tuesday, 10 September Wednesday, 11 September
Registration Plenary lecture EFEO IFEAT Scientific Platform on Proving Essential Oils‘ Unique Nature Plenary lecture
Oral Lectures Plenary lecture
Lunch Lunch Young Scientists’ lecture and Oral lecture
Opening Ceremony Plenary lecture Plenary lecture Closing Remarks
ISEO Medal Ceremony Oral Lectures Young Scientists’ lecture Lunch
Opening Lectures Poster Session Poster Session Post conference tour - optional
(Balatonalmádi - Balatonfüred - Tihany - Balatonalmádi)
Plenary lecture Scientific Committee meeting
Welcome dinner at the venue Symposium dinner at the venue  

Call for Papers

The scientific program will include both oral and poster presentations. A specific session will be dedicated to presentations from young scientists, who we like to encourage to register for the 'Young Scientist Session'.

ISEO2024 Submission of abstracts

Abstract: You are invited to submit original contributions for oral and poster presentations related to the topics of the Symposium. The use of an abstract template (maximum 3 pages A4 total for one submission) is mandatory. Correspondence regarding the abstracts will only be sent to the corresponding author. It is their responsibility to forward the information to all co-authors. Every effort will be made to accommodate the author’s preference for oral presentation or poster, but the organizers reserve the right to make the final decision. At least one of the authors must register to the congress, otherwise the abstract will not be considered by the Scientific Committee. One registered participant may submit two abstracts.

Oral presentations: PowerPoint, PDF presentations are accepted on USB sticks. The presentation has to be copied to the laptop at the beginning of the session.

Poster presentation: Poster size: A0 (841 mm x 1189 mm) Orientation: Portrait

Topics of ISEO 2024

In 2024, the Symposium will include the following topics:

  • utilization and biological activities of essential oils and volatiles
  • breeding, cultivation and post-harvest treatment of volatiles containing plants and other organisms
  • ecological importance of essential oils and volatiles
  • new trends in the production and analysis of essential oils
  • sourcing and trade of essential oils
  • biological variability of volatiles
  • sensorial aspects of volatiles
  • molecular and metabolomic trends in volatiles
  • biotransformation and biocatalysis of volatile compounds
  • regulatory aspects, toxicology of essential oils and their compounds
  • nanotechnology of essential oils and natural volatiles

Key Dates

Deadline for Submission of Abstracts: June 2, 2024

Deadline for Early Bird Registration: June 30, 2024


The ISEO attracts the attention of participants not only from European countries but also from the broader scientific world focusing on essential oils, e.g. South Africa, Turkey, United States, Brazil, Chile, Japan, Israel, Egypt, among others. During the ISEO Symposium, we provide an excellent possibility for sponsors and exhibitors to meet with scientist coming from academic sector and with industrial partners.
We offer you highly scientific topics, stimulating presentations and deep discussions combining with colorful touristic activities around Lake Balaton. In 2024, the Symposium will include topics e.g. on the field of nanotechnology of essential oils and natural volatiles; utilization and biological activities of essential oils and volatiles; aromatherapy; breeding, cultivation and post-harvest treatment of essential oil bearing plants; new trends in the production and analysis of essential oils; regulatory aspects, toxicology of essential oils and their compounds.

If your company is interested to participate, you are able to download our Exhibition and Sponsorship kit, including the Application Form below.

Downloadable Sponsorkit

Gold Sponsors




Registration is required for all conference participants preferably until 30 June 2024.

Full registration
€ 450

€ 370 (early bird)

  • access to the scientific sessions
  • symposium materials
  • electronic abstract book
  • get-together party
  • three lunches
  • coffee and snacks during symposium breaks

Student registration
€ 300

€ 270 (early bird)

  • access to the scientific sessions
  • symposium materials
  • electronic abstract book
  • get-together party
  • three lunches
  • coffee and snacks during symposium breaks

Accompanying person
€ 250

€ 230 (early bird)

  • get-together party
  • three lunches
  • coffee and snacks during symposium breaks

Please note, this category is dedicated for spouses, family members, etc., not for experts of the field, the category neither contains access to the Congress and Symposium sessions, nor the scientific materials.

Terms and conditions of participation

Advanced online registration is a condition of participation in the workshop. During the online registration you should accept the terms and conditions of participation as well as the terms of cancellation written on this website. The registration fee/accompanying person’s registration fee includes entertainment allowances, such as catering services, reception, dinner etc. In the final invoice the amount of these services will be indicated as intermediary service. See also the general terms and conditions here.

Cancellation policy of registration

All the cancellations and changes must be sent to Diamond Congress Ltd. in written form. All refunds will be processed after the ISEO 2024. Please send your exact bank account details in the written cancellation.

Refund of the registration fee will be made as follows:

  • 100% refund (minus an administrative fee of 50 Euro) –
    in case of cancellation received before 30 June 2024
  • No refund – in case of cancellation, received after 30 June 2024


All payments should be made in Euro. All charges due to bank transfers have to be paid by the sender. We advise you to bring the proof of payment with you when registering for the event in Budapest.

Bank transfer has to be made to

Diamond Congress Ltd. – ISEO 2024
Raiffeisen Bank Zrt.
Address: 1015 Budapest, Széna tér 1/a.
International Bank Account Number:
HU79 12010154 00175156 00200001

Credit Card

For the online payment VISA, EuroCard/MasterCard number are suitable with expiry date, card holder’s name, billing address of the cardholder and CVV code (the last three digits on the back of the credit card where the signature is – only VISA and EC/MC). For further details please read our short manual


Hunguest BÁL Resort - Venue Hotel

Hotel 1

Room for 1 person

100 EUR / room / night

Hotel 1

Room for 2 persons

112 EUR / room / night